U.S. Route 6, MA 6A to MA 6A


AMP: 118

Location: US 6 and Province Lands Rd, Provincetown

There is no signage immediately as US 6 begins, as a four lane divided highway.

AMP: 118

Location: US 6 and Province Lands Rd, Provincetown

This photo is from 6 westbound at the western terminus, where there is a sign acknowledging how cool the route is, though US 6 currently only goes to Bishop, Calif.

AMP: 115

Location: US 6 and Snail Rd, Provincetown

There’s actually no signage for 6 east for a few miles, and the first sign with a shield is for Snail Road, which connects to US 6A.

AMP: 115

Location: US 6 and Snail Rd, Provincetown

Just after Snail Road, we’re advised that we are on Historic US 6, which is also modern US 6.

AMP: 115

Location: US 6 and Snail Rd, Provincetown

The 6 westbound sign acknowledges the current western terminus in Bishop, Calif.

AMP: 110

Location: US 6 and Highland Rd, North Truro, Truro

Reassurance shield a few miles later as we enter Truro and pass over the Highland Rd interchange.

AMP: 109

Location: US 6 and South Hollow Rd, Truro

Reassurance shield after the Highland St interchange. Just ahead in the background, where the back of that big sign is, Route 6A will join US 6. 6A will silently concur with US 6 into Orleans.

W to MA 6A/MA 28

E to US-6, W to US-6/MA 28

W to US-6