Interstate 91, US-202 to I-90/US-5


AMP: 14

Location: I-91 and Cherry St, Holyoke

Reassurance shield after the US 202 interchange.

AMP: 13

Location: I-91 and Cherry St, Holyoke

In two miles, we’ll approach the Massachusetts Turnpike.

AMP: 13

Location: I-91 and Lower Westfield Rd, Holyoke

1.25 miles to the Pike.

AMP: 12

Location: I-91 and Lower Westfield Rd, Holyoke

1/4 mile to the Massachusetts Turnpike.

AMP: 12

Location: I-91 and Lower Westfield Rd, Holyoke
Reassurance shield after the Lower Westfield Rd interchange.

AMP: 11

Location: I-91 and Massachusetts Tpk, Holyoke

Exit for the Mass. Pike. You can also access US 5 from this ramp.

S to US-5, N to MA 141

E to MA 33, W to US-202/MA 10

S to I-91, N to US-202/MA 141

S to MA 10, N to US-5/MA 141