MP: 0
Location: I-5 and SR 599, Tukwila
SR 599 North begins, a spur of the Marginal Freeway to JCT SR 99
MP: .53
Location: Interurban Ave and SR 599
Reassurance shield after the Interurban Ave exit
MP: 1.46
Location: Tukwila Internatoinal Blvd and SR 599
See that down arrow under the “south” with a sticker over it? That used to have an SR 99 indicator, because SR 99 used to travel down Tukwila Int’l Blvd through Tukwila, and then merge onto the Marginal Fwy, which is this road. 599 served as a way to connect those two roads. Now, since Tukwila demanded to have their part of SR 99 decommissioned, SR 599 ends and just randomly turns into SR 99 without any real intersction, as we will see.
MP: 1.75
Location: Tukwila Int’l Blvd and SR 599
I can’t imagine that at some point they won’t just rename this whole stretch of road SR 99 (having SR 99 from SR 518 to the beginning of SR 599 be multiplexed with SR 518 E and I-5 N, alternatively you rename the whole marginal freeway SR 599, and then have SR 99 take over SR 518 west of the airport, and then take over SR 509 north of Burien)
S through Tukwila to | SR 509/SR 516 to SR 518 |, N to SR 509