Last Driven July 2019
(Historic Photo: May 2007)
MP: 59.12
Location: Vanbelle Rd and I-82, Granger
At least this was a properly fonted sign up to RIDOT standards
(Historic Photo: May 2007)
MP: 64.23
Location: Yakima Valley Hwy and I-82, Outlook
And this is not properly fonted but at least a cutout shield. WSDOT is weird out here…
MP: 64.25
Location: Cemetery Rd and I-82, Yakima Cty
(Historic Photo: May 2007)
MP: 67.64
Location: Midvale Rd and I-82, Sunnyside
SR 241 exits, 1 mile
MP: 68.55
Location: Waneta Rd and I-82, Sunnyside
SR 241 exits