Last Driven May 2018
MP: 113.91
Location: I-82 and Evergreen Hwy, Kennewick
Just after SR 397, US 395 will prepare to split.
(Historic Photo: May 2008)
MP: I-82/113.76
Location: I-82 and Evergreen Hwy, Kennewick
US-395 will leave I-82 and head north through Kennewick. It serves Spokane directly and Walla Walla via US-12
MP: 113.34
Location: I-82 and Evergreen Hwy, Kennewick
Larger vehicles should use I-182 to head north.
(Historic Photo: May 2008)
MP: I-82/113.04
Location: I-82 and Evergreen Hwy, Kennewick
US-395 leaves I-82 and heads north through Kennewick, serving as the primary north south connector to the eastern end of I-182