Massachusetts Route 28, MA 106 to MA 18/MA 104


AMP: 96

Location: Main St and Center St, West Bridgewater

Reassurance shield after the Route 106 split.

AMP: 95

Location: Main St and Keenan St, West Bridgewater

Reassurance shield as we head out of West Bridgewater.

AMP: 95

Location: Main St and Austin St, Bridgewater

Welcome to Bridgewater!

AMP: 94

Location: Main St and High St, Bridgewater

Reassurance shield as we enter Bridgewater.

AMP: 94

Location: Main St and Central Sq, Bridgewater

As we enter Bridgewater center, keep right to follow 28 south to Cape Cod as we approach Routes 18 and 104. Stay straight for 104 west and turn right for 18 south/104 east.

S to MA 104, N to MA 106

N to MA 106, S to MA 104

W to MA 18/MA 28, E to MA 106

W to MA 24, E to MA 28