U.S. Route 6, I-70 to SH-65


AMP: 61

Location: I-70 and US 6, Mesa Cty

Reassurance shield as US 6 joins I-70. US 6 is pretty much never signed when it is along I-70 in Colorado.

AMP: 57

Location: I-70 and US 6, Mesa Cty

I-70 enters a canyon a few miles later.

AMP: 50

Location: I-70 and SH-65, Mesa Cty

Before we approach SH-65, we’ll pass through one last set of tunnels in Colorado.

AMP: 50

Location: I-70 and SH-65, Mesa Cty

As we come out of the tunnel, we’re a mile from SH-65.

AMP: 49

Location: I-70 and SH-65, Mesa Cty

Exit for SH-65, which connects to SH-330.

W to I-70, E to I-70

W to US-6, E to US-6

 S to SH-330

W to SH-65, E to US-6