AMP: 103
Location: Main St and 4th St, Lingle
Reassurance shield after the split as we head out of Lingle. This is one of the only CanAm Highway shields I have seen posted anywhere
AMP: 104
Location: US-85 and CR 62, Goshen Cty
US -85 closes between Lingle and Lusk on occasion, and you’d turn around here in that instance
AMP: 127
Location: US-85 and County Rd, Jay Em, Goshen Cty
Reassurance shield after the “community” of Jay Em, which as far as I am concerned is somebody’s house
AMP: 142
Location: US 85 and CR 56, Niobrara Cty
Turn left for CR 56
AMP: 143
Location: US-85 and CR 79, Niobrara Cty
Turn right for CR 79
AMP: 145
Location: US-85 and Quigley Rd, Niobrara Cty
As US-85 bears left, turn right for CR 73
AMP: 148
Location: S Main St and 11th St, Lusk
Welcome to Lusk! Lusk is the county seat of Niobrara County and contains roughly 60% of its population. Niobrara is the least populated county in Wyoming
AMP: 149
Location: S Main St and E 9th St, Lusk
Junction US 18 and 20 coming up. They’ll run concurrent for US 85 for a block before US 20 will split east and 18/85 will continue north
AMP: 149
Location: S Main St and 8th St, Lusk
Turn left for US-18/20 west towards Douglas. US-18 will end at its junction with I-25/US-20/US-26/US-87 41 miles west of here. US-20 will continue to Yellowstone and resume into Montana and Idaho
E to US-18/US-85, W to WYO 273