AMP: 16
Location: Albin Rd and Pine Bluffs-Albin Rd, Albin
Welcome to the town of Albin!
AMP: 15
Location: Albin Rd and Larson Rd, Albin
Reassurance shield as we head out of Albin
AMP: 1
Location: Albin Rd and Burns N Rd, Laramie Cty
I’m not exactly sure what this is all about. No route logs or maps or anything acknowledge the presence of Wyoming 213 running this far north and I’m tempted to believe it does not. Since the signage has brown lettering, odds are this stretch was either recently decommissioned or was placed in error as the signs are probably older. I’m looking into it and if it appears that this really is a state highway I’ll be happy to drive it. Late Edit: It is a brand new state highway, and I’ve gone ahead and driven it.
AMP: 1
Location: Albin Rd and Burns Rd N, Laramie Cty
If this is WYO 213, it heads north about a half mile to US-85 and Torrington and heads south back to Burns where WYO 213 actually exists
AMP: 0
Location: Albin Rd and US-85, Laramie Cty
Junction US-85 coming up shortly which serves as the main Cheyenne-Torrington connector
AMP: 0
Location: Albin Rd and US-85, Laramie Cty
Turn left for Cheyenne, right for Torrington
W to US-85, E to NE State Line
N to US-85, S to I-80/US-30/WYO 214