Location; State Line Rd and Albin Rd, Banner Cty Neb.
This shot in Nebraska on the State Line Rd. The road will bear right, and immediately enter Wyoming without signage.
AMP: 18
Location: Albin Rd and State Line Rd, Laramie Cty
Reassurance shield after we cross into Wyoming
AMP: 16
Location: Albin Rd and Pine Bluffs-Albin Rd, Laramie Cty
Junction WYO 215 coming up in 1/2 a mile. This is the northern terminus of WYO 215 which will head south to the Pine Bluffs
AMP: 16
Location: Albin Rd and Pine Bluffs-Albin Rd, Laramie Cty
Turn left for WYO 215 to Pine bluffs, right for a county road up to LaGrange