I’ve finally got all my Wyoming photos up thus far, which would include the drive out, the Cheyenne drive, the Torrington drive, the Saratoga drive, and short various Laramie area drives. This means it’s time for me to take another drive. Once the weather returns to awesomeness in a week or so I’ll head up Wheatland way and finish up Goshen County plus a bunch of short Wheatland highways and whatnots. I’ll put more detail up on the drive when i do it. In the meantime look forward to all of the following going up which you’ll be able to find under the “Other States” link.
Once I’m totally caught up on photo uploads I’ll build the new site header and get started on the state line crossing/erroneous signage page. But I am well underway, ladies and gents.
- US-85 from I-70 Bus/US-40/US-287 to WY State Line
- US-287 from WY State Line to I-25/US-6/US-85
- C-125 from C-127 to WY Line
- C-127
- I-84 from ID-81 SPUR to UT State Line
- I-84 Mountain Home Loop
- I-84 Hammett Loop
- I-84 Glenn’s Ferry Loop
- I-84 Bliss Loop
- I-84 Burley Loop
- US 20 from Idaho 44 to I-84
- US 26 from Idaho 44 to I-84
- US 30 from end of I-84 concurrency at Bliss to beginning of I-84 concurrency at Burley
- Idaho 81 from I-84 Burley Loop to Idaho 81 Spur
- Idaho 81 Spur (clinched)
- I-80 from WY Line to N-L53B
- I-80 Business (Pine Bluffs)
- US-26 from WY Line to N-92
- US-30 from WY Line to N-L53B
- N-71 from N-88 to north end of US-26 concurrency
- N-88 from WY Line to N-71
- N-92 from WY Line to US-26 near Bayard
- N-L53B
- N-L79E
- N-S79H