Location: 1st St and Main St, Pratt
Reassurance shield after the US-281 intersection
Location: US-54 and River Rd, Pratt Cty
Reassurance shield as we head out of Pratt
Location: US-54 and 50th Ave, Pratt Cty
Reassurance shield after the turnoff down to Coats
Location: US-54 and 70th Ave, Pratt Cty
Reassurance shield after the turnoff up to Byers. You can see the Cullison grain elevator in the distance
Location: US-54 and 4th St, Cullison
A couple miles later and we’ll enter Cullison
Location: US-54 and 8th St, Pratt Cty
Reassurance shield as we head out of Cullison
Location: US-54 and 150th Ave, Kiowa Cty
Reassurance shield as we enter Kiowa Cty
Location: US-54 and County Rd, Kiowa Cty
Reassurance shield after the road down to Belvidere [sic]. You can see the Haviland grain elevator in the distance
Location: US-54 and Cottonwood St, Haviland
Reassurance shield as we enter Haviland, which we largely bypass to the south
Location: US-54 and Main St, Haviland
Reassurance shield after Main St, the main north-south road in Haviland
Location: US-54 and Old US-54, Kiowa Cty
Reassurance shield as we head out of Haviland
Location: US-54 and CR 43, Kiowa Cty
Reassurance shield after a random county road
Location: US-54 and County Rd, Kiowa Cty
Reassurance shield after another random county road as the speed limit drops to 55 for the approach to Greenburg
Location: Kansas Ave and Cypress St, Greenburg
Welcome to Greenburg! For those that remember, Greenburg was the town entirely obliterated in 2007 by a tornado. The reparations seem to be coming along very nicely.
Location: Kansas Ave and Cypress St, Greenburg
Reassurance shield as we enter Greenburg
Location: Kansas Ave and Olive St, Greensburg
Reassurance shield a couple blocks later
Location : US-54 and US-183, Kiowa Cty
About a mile later as we head out of Greensburg, we’ll come to a junction with US-183
Location: US-54 and US-183, Kiowa
Follow 183 North to Kinsley, 183 South to Coldwater. Follow US-54 to Meade, while US-400 will go to Dodge City. This sign is a relic from before US-400 existed, since Dodge City is now both closer and larger than Meade
Location: US-54 and US-183, Kiowa Cty
Turn right for 183 North and left for 183 South
N to US-50, S to US-160