AMP: 46
Location: WYO 24 and SD Hwy. 34, Crook Cty
Reassurance shield as we enter Wyoming and Wyoming 24 begins. WYO 24 heads west to US-14 near Devil’s Tower, providing the shortest route from Belle Fourche to Gillette
AMP: 45
Location: WYO 24 and CR 264, Crook Cty
Junction CR 264 comes up about a mile after the state line
AMP: 43
Location: WYO 24 and CR 81, Crook Cty
A couple miles later we’ll come to a junction with CR 81
AMP: 39
Location: WYO 24 and WYO 111, Aladdin
Before approaching WYO 111, we’ll enter the tiny gas station town of Aladdin
AMP: 39
Location: WYO 24 and WYO 111, Aladdin
As we enter Aladdin, we’re told the junction for Wyoming 111 is coming up in 1/2 mile
AMP: 39
Location: WYO 24 and WYO 111, Crook Cty
As we head out of Aladdin, turn left for WYO 111. WYO 24 continues west.
AMP: 39
Location: WYO 24 and WYO 111, Crook Cty
Follow WYO 111 south to Sundance