Location: S 1st St and Lodge Rd, Hiawatha
Just after the 36 interchange we’ll formally enter Hiawatha
Location: S 1st St and Iowa St, Hiawatha
As we enter the core of Hiawatha we finally get a reassurance shield
Location: N 1st St and Delaware St, Hiawatha
Reassurance shield as we make our way through Hiawatha. 73/159 bypasses most of the town to the east, so we get the fast food district
Location: N 1st St and Hiawatha Ave, Hiawatha
Reassurance shield as we head out of the core part of Hiawatha
Location: N 1st St and Hatfield Rd, Brown Cty
Reassurance shield as we head out of Hiawatha
Location: US-73 and Rd 280, Brown Cty
Reassurance shield as we pass the Hiawatha Airport
Location: US-73 and Longspur Rd, Brown Cty
Reassurance shield as we enter the tiny Sac and Fox Indian Reservation
Location: US-73 and Rd 330, Brown Cty
Reassurance shield as we pass by the unincorporated town of Reserve, the reservation’s only town
Location: US-73 and Rd 340, Brown Cty
A couple miles later, 73/159 will head out of Kansas. It will enter Nebraska, with 73 heading to 75 which goes up to Omaha. 159 will split from 73 in Falls City and then head straight east into Missouri
N to US-73, S to KS-20
W to US-75, E to KS-120