Mexico Carretera Federal 185D, MX-185 to OAX-49


Location: MX 185D and MX 190, Asuncion Ixtaltepec

Mileage signs for destinations on MX 200. MX 185D is effectively a toll bypass for 190 and 200 as well as 185.

Location: MX 185D and MX 190, Asuncion Ixtaltepec

Stay on 185D for MX 200.

Location: MX 185D and MX 185, Asuncion Ixtaltepec

More distances.

Location: MX 185D and MX 185, Asuncion Ixtaltepec

Mexico 150D is an interesting choice. If we’re 640 km from Puebla, you’d only be on MX 150 for the last 100 km or so.

Location: MX 185D and Cll. Ixtepec, Cd. Ixtepec

Stay on whatever this highway is for Salina Cruz.

Location: MX 185D and Cll. Ixtepec, Cd. Ixtepec

Another mileage sign.

Location: MX 185D and Cll. Ixtepec, Cd. Ixtepec

Lots of good destinations from this route!

Location: MX 185D and Cll. Ixtepec, Cd. Ixtepec

It’d be a long way to Mexico City with reminder signs every ten kilometers.

Location: MX 185D and OAX 49, Cd. Ixtepec

But first, we’ll approach the very rare numbered Oaxaca state highway.

Location: MX 185D and OAX 49, Cd. Ixtepec

But not before another mileage sign.

Location: MX 185D and OAX 49, Cd. Ixtepec

We’ll approach a tollbooth at OAX 49. Exit before the tollbooth to follow that route into Ixtepec. Stay straight for 185D to 190 and 200.

 S to MX-190D, N to MX-190/MX-200

 N to Guevea de Humboldt, S to MX-190/MX-200

 S to MX-190/MX-200, N to MX-147