State Line Crossings


Idaho | Interstate Highways | U.S. Routes | State Highways 1-50 | State Highways 51-200 |

This starts in the northwest corner of the state and moves clockwise around it.

 British Columbia International Boundary: 

 (Porthill, ID) Last reassurance shield in Idaho, 1000 feet to the border, stop at customs, the border!


 (Eastport, ID) Canada makes its first appearance as a control “city” as 95 approaches downtown Coeur d’Alene, control cities finally become cities instead of the country 12 miles south of SH-1, Last US-95 shield, distance trailblazer to BC 3 about 13 miles south of the border, distance sign to the border, reminder to stop at customs, the POE, mileage sign entering Canada via BC 3 (which is just north of the border), mileage sign via BC 3 east and BC 95.


Montana State Line:

 (Moyie Springs, ID) Kalispell debuts as a control city as 2 splits from 95, last US 2 shield in Idaho, mileage sign at the state line, junction S-508 comes up pretty quick. There’s no welcome to Montana sign.



 (Clark Fork, ID) Last Montana 200 shield, first Idaho 200 shield as we enter Idaho, welcome to Idaho!


 (Mullan, ID) Last reassurance shield in Idaho, ITD sign for Montana exit 0 as we ascend Lookout Pass, MDT sign for the Lookout Pass just feet over the state line, Welcome to Montana!


 (Lolo Pass, IDFirst appearance of Missoula as a control city on US 12 just east of Lewiston, final 12 shield in Idaho, welcome to Montana!, 12 doesn’t get a sign in Montana for 35 miles until we approach Lolo, MT.


 (Gibbonsville, ID) Missoula MT and Hamilton MT appear as control cities in Salmon, north of Salmon Montana 43 (which is right on the state line) appears as a control “city,” another trailblazer to MT 43, junction Montana 43 sign still in Idaho that appears to be an ITD install, Idaho-spec turn signage for MT-43 and Wisdom with what appears to be an MDT sign bolted to the bottom for  the Big Hole Nat’l Battlefield, turn for MT-43 right at the state line.



 (Leadore, ID)   Last Montana S-324 shield, pavement ends on Secondary 324 as we ascend Bannock Summit, we’ll enter Idaho at the top of the pass, first SH-29 reassurance shield.


 (Monida, MT) Last reassurance shield in Montana, exit for Montana S-509 at the top of Monida Pass just before the state line, Welcome to Idaho!, first reassurance shield in Idaho.


  (Henry’s Lake, ID) As Montana 87 begins, we’re directed to follow it to Ashton ID, only reassurance shield in Montana, Leaving Montana/Welcome to Idaho, first reassurance shield in Idaho, junction US 20


  (West Yellowstone, MT) West Yellowstone makes its first appearance in Idaho Falls, hazardous cargo should avoid Montana’s US 191 and should use ID/MT-87 instead, Bozeman makes its only appearance in Idaho, last US 20 shield in Idaho, Welcome to Montana!, no signage for 20 until we enter West Yellowstone.


Wyoming State Line: 

  (Victor, ID) WYO 22 crosses over Teton Pass. No Welcome to Idaho Sign, first Idaho 33 shield as we enter Idaho at the bottom of Teton Pass.


(Alpine, WY) Final US-26 Idaho shield. I missed the Welcome to Wyoming sign, first US-26 shield in Wyoming. 26 quickly approaches junction US-89.


  (Freedom, WY) Only WYO 239 shield. WYO 239 ends at the state line road, but follow that road south to connect to Idaho 34, turn left on Idaho 34 for Wayan and Soda Springs, turn left on Idaho 34, first Idaho 34 reassurance shield, Welcome to Idaho!


  (Geneva, ID) Final US-89 shield in Wyoming, 10 miles to junction WYO 89 (via Idaho 61) and Cokeville and Evanston are WYO 89 destinations, just before the state line we are informed that it’s three miles to junction WYO 89, Welcome to Idaho!, first Idaho US-89 reassurer, junction Idaho 61 coming up (a quick route to WYO 89), turn left to follow Idaho 61 via WYO 89,  after the turn we are told Idaho 61 heads TO WYO 89, Idaho 61 ends at the Wyoming line, Welcome to Wyoming!, first WYO 89 shield


 (Raymond, ID) Final US-30 shield in Idaho. The WYO 89 junction is about 200 feet into Wyoming, so advance signage is in Idaho. Welcome to Wyoming! Junction WYO 89.


Utah State Line: 

  (Fish Haven, ID) (no photos available…yet)


  (Franklin, ID) (no photos available…yet)


  (Portage, UT) (no photos available…yet)


  (Snowville, UT) (no photos available…yet)


Nevada State Line: 

  (Jackpot, NV) (no photos available…yet)


 (Owyhee, NV)  (no photos available…yet)


Oregon State Line: 

 (Sheaville, OR)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Homedale, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


  (Nyssa, OR)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Fruitland, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Fruitland, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Payette, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Weiser, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Brownlee, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


Washington State Line: 

 (Lewiston, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Lewiston, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Lewiston, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Moscow, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Viola, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Potlatch, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Tekoa, WA)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Worley, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Post Falls, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


 (Hauser, ID)  (no photos available…yet)


  (Oldtown, ID)  (no photos available…yet)
