AMP: 33
Location: SH-36 and US-89, Ovid, Bear Lake Cty
Reassurance shield at the beginning of 36. 36 is kind of an odd route, heading over a mountain pass from here to Preston, and then over another pass from Preston to the I-15 corridor.
AMP: 33
Location: SH-36 and South Rd, Bear Lake Cty
Reassurance shield a quarter mile or so later as we head out of Ovid
AMP: 29
Location: SH-36 and Cemetery Rd, Liberty, Bear Lake Cty
A few miles later, we’ll enter the little community of Liberty
AMP: 29
Location: SH-36 and Hymas Ln, Bear Lake Cty
Reassurance shield as we head out of Liberty
AMP: 26
Location: SH-36 and Pole Canyon Rd, Bear Lake Cty
Reassurance shield as we near the mountains
AMP: 21
Location: SH-36 and Copenhagen Basin Rd, Franklin Cty
Reassurance shield as we enter Franklin County
AMP: 12
Location: SH-36 and Maple Grove Hot Springs Rd, Franklin Cty
Reassurance shield after a turnoff to a hot springs
AMP: 7
Location: SH-36 and Birch Creek Rd, Franklin Cty
Reassurance shield a few miles later as we descend into the Cache Valley
AMP: 3
Location: SH-36 and Riverdale Rd, Franklin Cty
Reassurance shield a couple miles later.
AMP: 0
Location: SH-36 and SH-34, Franklin Cty
A couple miles later, we’ll come to a junction with SH-34
AMP: 0
Location: SH-36 and SH-34, Franklin Cty
Turn right for 34 north and left for 34 south/36 west. 34 ends in Preston, uselessly concurring from 36 to its terminus.
AMP: 0
Location: SH-36 and SH-34, Franklin Cty
Follow 34 north to Grace. Follow 34 south/36 west to Preston and Logan, UT.
S to UT State Line, N to US-30