Location: I-135 and Kellogg Ave, Wichita
Ressurance shield after the 54/400 junction.
Location: I-135 and Harry St, Wichita
1.25 miles to the K-15 split.
Location: I-135 and Pawnee St, Wichita
3/4 of a mile to K-15.
Location: I-135 and Southwest Blvd, Wichita
Exit ahead for K-15/Southwest Blvd.
Location: I-135 and Southwest Blvd, Wichita
Exit for K-15. I-135 and US-81 stay on the freeway.
S to KS-53, N to KS-96
S to I-235, N to KS-96
S to I-235, N to KS-96
S to I-235, N to US-54/US-400
S to I-235, N to US-54/US-400