Kansas Highway 25, US-56 to KS-51


Location: US-56 and K-25, Stevens Cty

Reassurance shield as K-25 joins US-56.

Location: Main St and B St, Hugoton

About a half mile later, we’ll enter Hugoton.

Location: Main St and 2nd St, Hugoton

Reassurance shield as we enter town.

Location: Main St and 10th St, Hugoton

At the stop sign, turn right for US-56 west and K-25 south.

Location: Main St and 11th St, Hugoton

Turn right for US-56/K-51 west and K-25 south. Turn left for K-51 east.

 S to US-56/KS-51, E to US-160

 W to KS-25, E to KS-190

 W to KS-25, E to US-83

 W to KS-51, E to KS-190