AMP: 35
Location: S-344 and MT-16, Roosevelt Cty
No reassurance shield as S-344 begins.
AMP: 15
Location: S-344 and Rd 17-1040, Roosevelt Cty
17 miles later, S-344 will turn to head south to Brockton.
AMP: 15
Location: S-344 and Rd 17-1040, Roosevelt Cty
Reassurance shield after the turn.
AMP: 0
Location: S-344 and US-2, Roosevelt Cty
Several miles later, on the west side of Brockton, we’ll approach US-2.
AMP: 0
Location: S-344 and US-2, Roosevelt Cty
Turn right for 2 west and left for 2 east . S-344 ends.