AMP: 0
Location: Mosby Rd and US-12, Musselshell Cty
No reassurance shield as S-500 begins.
AMP: 7
Location: Mosby Rd and Bridge Rd, Musselshell Cty
A few miles up S-500, pavement ends.
AMP: 9
Location: Melstone Rd and Ditch Rd, Petroleum Cty
About halfway down S-500, we’re about halfway down S-500.
AMP: 30
Location: Melstone Rd and MT-200, Petroleum Cty
Several miles later, we’ll approach MT-200.
AMP: 30
Location: Melstone Rd and MT-200, Petroleum Cty
Follow 200 west to Lewistown and 200 east and Jordan.