Montana Secondary Highway 288, MT-84 to S-347


AMP: 16

Location: Churchill Rd and MT-84, Gallatin Cty

Reassurance shield at the beginning of S-288, which heads up to Churchill, Amsterdam, and Manhattan.

AMP: 5

Location: Churchill Rd and Cameron Bridge Rd, Churchill

A few miles later, we’ll enter Churchill

AMP: 6

Location: S-288 and Cameron Bridge Rd, Churchill

As we pass out of Churchill, we’ll approach S-347, which heads east towards Belgrade.

AMP: 6

Location: S-288 and S-347, Gallatin Cty

Turn right for 347 east. Note the erroneous sign.

 N to I-90/S-345

 E to MT-85

 E to US-191/MT-85, W to US-287