Location: US-371 and Hwy 372, Nevada Cty
Reassurance shield after the 372 junction.
Location: US-371 and CR 287, Nevada Cty
A couple miles later, turn right for CR 287.
Location: US-371 and CR 323, Nevada Cty
Turn left for CR 323.
Location: US-371 and Scenic Dr, Rosston
A mile later, we’ll enter Rosston, where you’re not allowed to make loud noises.
Location: US-371 and US-278, Rosston
At the stop sign, we’ll approach US-278 again.
Location: US-371 and US-278, Rosston
Follow 278 west to Hope. Take 278 east/371 south towards Magnolia and into the heart of Rosston.
Location: US-371 and US-278, Rosston
Turn right for 278 west. Turn left for 371 south and 278 east.
Location: US-371 and US-278, Rosston
Turn left for 371 south/278 east. Turn right for 278 west.
E to AR-200, W to AR-53
E to AR-299