Location: SH-11 and SH-132, Grant Cty
Reassurance shield after the 132 junction.
Location: SH-11 and N2750 Rd, Alfalfa Cty
Reassurance shield a few miles later as we enter the aptly-named Alfalfa County.
Location: SH-11 and SH-38, Alfalfa Cty
A couple miles later, we’ll approach SH-38.
Location: SH-11 and SH-38, Alfalfa Cty
Follow 11 west to Cherokee. 38 is a pretty short state highway, heading south to US-64 in Jet.
Location: SH-11 and SH-38, Alfalfa Cty
Turn left for 38 south. Stay straight for 11 west.
W to US-64/OK-8/OK-58, E to OK-11A
S to US-64
N to KS-179/KS State Line, S to US-64